From our sites
Kiangan HydroelectricDec 21st, 2021Groundbreaking Ceremony Held
SDGsSep 16th, 2022Online environmental study session was held.
Abukuma Onshore WindMay 30th, 2022Groundbreaking Ceremony Held.
Karatsu BiomassJul 9th, 2024Our employees served as lecturers at Saga Nishi High School again this year.
Non-FIT SolarNov 8th, 2023The first solar power plant under the Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Murata Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
Energy Strage FacilitySep 5th, 2023Groundbreaking Ceremony held for Himeji Energy Storage Facility
Global ActivitiesOct 25th, 2024We exhibited a booth at the POWERTENDERS 2024 in Manila, Philippines.
Quang Tri Onshore WindJan 4th, 2024Featured in the English edition of JICA MAGAZINE
Tokushimatsuda BiomassMar 11th, 2024Completion Ceremony held and Video of Tokushima Tsuda Biomass is now available.
Minami-aso Yunotani GeothermalMay 30th, 2023Completion ceremony held
Reihoku Amakusa Onshore WindJun 9th, 2023Tripartite Agreement with Kumamoto Prefecture and Reihoku Town
Sendai Gamo BiomassJan 7th, 2025Introduced in Sendai Television Incorporated “Sugo! Job!” program.
Omaezakikou BiomassNov 25th, 2024Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Suzuki visited the site.
Ishinomaki Hibarino BiomassDec 9th, 2024Disabled CO2 emissions from forklifts.
Hitoyoshi SolarJul 25th, 2023Video of Hitoyoshi Solar Power Plant is now available.
Kanda BiomassApr 28th, 2022Soon to celebrate the first anniversary of the start of operation.
Hakodate Esan Geothermal ProjectJun 16th, 2022Drilling survey for 2022 has begun.
Karumai West SolarOct 7th, 2024We participated in “Discover Karumai Learning”
Karumai East SolarOct 7th, 2024We participated in “Discover Karumai Learning”
Karumai Sonbou SolarNov 21st, 2021Completion ceremony held
Nasukarasuyama SolarSep 9th, 2022Environmental study session for Otawara High School
Yokkaichi SolarJul 28th, 2022Students from Yokkaichi City Nishi Asake Junior High School visited us for a tour.
Suigo Itako SolarJan 14th, 2022Commendation at the 20th Anniversary Ceremony of the City of Itako
Futtsu SolarJan 30th, 2025Students from Public Policy and Energy class at the Graduate School of Public Policy of the University of Tokyo visited Futtsu Solar
Kikugawa Ishiyama SolarJul 13th, 2023Members of the Katoyama Comprehensive Development Promotion Committee visited the site.
Kikugawa Horinouchiya SolarJul 13th, 2023Members of the Katoyama Comprehensive Development Promotion Committee visited the site.
Kokonoe SolarFeb 14th, 2023Students of the Kokonoe Kotobuki University visited our site.
Ozu SolarJun 15th, 2023Safety patrols were conducted by Ozu Town officials
Akita BiomassDec 10th, 2024We participated in a tree-planting event.