Information about RENOVA, Inc.
Our Management Philosophy/Mission
Create green and sustainable energy systems for a better world
Our Features
- A leading company in the remarkably growing renewable energy market
- Japan's only publicly traded independent pure-play developer and power producer, exclusively focused on renewable energy in Japan and Asia.
- The Japanese renewable energy market has expanded since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 and the enforcement of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electricity Utilities (FIT Act) in 2012.
- Highly foreseeable cash flows from electricity sales through the FIT scheme
- All electricity generated *1 will be sold at a fixed price for 20 years *2 through the FIT scheme.
- Cash flows are highly foreseeable because the purchase price is fixed before the final investment decision.
- Non-FIT Solar PV Project
- RENOVA will continue to develop sites for Non-FIT Solar PV and to negotiate agreements with electricity consumers.
- Concluded a virtual PPA with consumers to directly sell Non-FIT Non-Fossil Certificates (derived from renewable power plants).
- All newly development power plants will be constructed with additionality.
- Ability to develop new power generation projects
- Proven track record of sourcing and developing new projects
- Total installed capacity of approximately 1.2 GW in operation and under construction
- Medium-term target of a total installed capacity is 3.0 GW *3
- Advanced development capabilities and a solid project management system built with highly-skilled in-house professionals including a multinational team of engineers and a development&promotion team members.
- Business feasibility and profitability secured through low-cost and high-leverage project financing (with a loan-to-cost ratio of 90%)
- Project financing structured totaling over 400 billion yen
- Driving new businesses leading to green transformation (GX) and decarbonization
- The construction of Himeji Energy Storage (15.0 MW) commenced in August 2023
- In April 2024, three storage battery projects (total capacity approx. 215MW *4) were awarded in a Long-Term Decarbonization Auction.
- The development of renewable energy and storage battery businesses in the United States has been underway, mainly through our partner.
- Focused on the development of overseas projects
- Started construction of the Kiangan Hydroelectric Project (8.3 MW) in the Philippines in August 2021.
- Participated in the Quang Tri Onshore Wind Power Projects (144.0 MW) in Vietnam for which constriction began in May 2020 and commenced commercial operation in October 2021.
- Leading management team in the industry
- Founding CEO Yosuke Kiminami
- Yosuke Kiminami established RENOVA in 2000 after working for McKinsey & Company, Inc.
- Corporate governance by experienced external directors
- Management team with leadership and expertise
*1 For geothermal, prices will be fixed for 15 years.
*2 Some cases, such as when output is controlled to adjust supply and demand and when a plant is shut down for planned grid construction are excluded. RENOVA structures projects with consideration of expected future output controls.
*3 Projects under development may be altered, delayed or cancelled due to development status, progress and comments reflecting environmental impact assessments.
*4 The winning bid capacity stated in the contract results announced by the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, JAPAN (April 26, 2024) is the number obtained by multiplying the bid capacity by an adjustment factor corresponding to the area and the type of power source. Although the number is different from each capacity, the system is expected to be applied to the total amount of the bid capacity.
Our Strengths
- Proposal capabilities and coexistence with local communities
- The renewable energy is a business utilizing natural resources available in local areas. Through the development of power plants, RENOVA works to resolve regional issues and blaze trails in a way that enables it to coexist with the local communities.
- Engineering
- High-level engineering capabilities suited to each type of energy source are necessary in the development and realization of renewable energy projects. RENOVA is working on accumulation and enhancement of its technological capabilities through development activities undertaken by a multinational team of more than 50 in-house highly-skilled engineers.
- Sourcing consumers
- Explore new customers for Non-FIT business by its own and negotiate / execute PPA.
- Financing
- In the development of individual projects, RENOVA structures project finance arrangements which limits the funds allocated to repayment to the cash flows generated by the projects. To date, RENOVA has structured project finance arrangements worth over 400 billion yen. RENOVA is working on securing required funds by developing high-quality projects and forging ties with financial institutions to gain their support.
- Operation
- RENOVA is operating many large-scale renewable power plants including solar PV, biomass and onshore wind power plants. In the operation of these large-scale power plants, future profits depend on operation capability after commencement of commercial operation. RENOVA is working on enhancing its operation capability further with approximately 60 dedicated professionals.

Trend toward decarbonization in Japan
At the Leaders Summit on Climate in April 2021, the Japanese government announced the new 2030 CO2 emissions reduction target of 45.9% for the achievement of carbon neutrality in 2050. Furthermore, the Japanese government adopted a target to increase the renewable energy mix to 36% to 38% of Japan's total energy requirement by fiscal year 2030 in the 6th Strategic Energy Plan and, at its meeting held in December 2020, the Strategic Policy Committee established under the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy decided on 50% to 60% as the reference value for the target percentage of electricity from renewable energy sources in 2050. For offshore wind, the Council for Government-Industry Dialogue for Offshore Wind in Japan at its meeting held in December 2012 specified the formation of projects for the generation of 10,000,000 kW by 2030 and 30,000,000 kW to 45,000,000 kW, including the output of floating type, by 2040 as a target.
As these targets suggest, the renewable energy market is expected to expand in Japan with offshore wind power generation at its center.

Our Growth Trajectory
Accelerating the development of multiple techniques of renewable power generation to meet the growing demand for renewable energy.
RENOVA is also promoting the development of new Green business Transformation models that contribute to the acceleration of decarbonization.

- Long Term Target based on a Capacity
- Aim to acquire a capacity of 3,000MW*1 (in operation) by the end of FY3/2030.

*1 The equipment is displayed in gross value without considering our company's equity interest.
*2 Internal assessment completed regarding the project's viability, preliminary investments in place as required for initial development.Projects may be terminated in the future depending on the results of further investigations and assessments.
*3 Except for projects that acquisition of business development rights is determined through bidding, such as domestic offshore wind and so on.
- *
- 1 The equipment is displayed in gross value without considering our company's equity interest.
- *
- 2 Internal assessment completed regarding the project's viability, preliminary investments in place as required for initial development.Projects may be terminated in the future depending on the results of further investigations and assessments.
- *
- 3 Except for projects that acquisition of business development rights is determined through bidding, such as domestic offshore wind and so on.