Our Business

  • RENOVA’s Business

    Since its foundation in 2000, RENOVA has consistently been working to solve environmental issues through its business activities. We are currently accelerating the development and operation of renewable power plants both in Japan and overseas to meet growing global demand for renewable energy. We are also developing new green businesses to support the decarbonization of various industries being led by global corporations, aiming to achieve sustainable growth.

  • Multiple Energy Source Initiatives and Green business

    RENOVA’s strength lies in the fact that we employ specialists in charge of the development and operation of multiple renewable energy power sources, including solar, biomass, wind, geothermal and hydro, and can develop renewable energy power plants utilizing the existing resources of regions all around the world, especially Asia. We are also leveraging the knowledge developed in our power generation business to date to step up the development of new businesses such as PPA (power purchase agreements) with customers in a Non-FIT (Feed-in Tariff) format in addition to power supply in the existing FIT format, storage batteries that encourage wider adoption of renewables, green hydrogen and ammonia, and biomass-derived fuel.

  • Overseas Business Initiatives

    Decarbonization in rapidly growing countries and regions is essential for tackling the environmental issues facing the world. To promote decarbonization, RENOVA has established bases in Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia, and is developing projects while keeping a close eye on the characteristics of renewable energy resources and the time frame for market growth in each country. Our employees in Japan, who have expertise and experience in the development and operation of renewable energy power plants, and employees at each site, who are familiar with the legal systems, business customs, culture, and other aspects of the development region, work together to promote the business in cooperation with local companies.